You care about your people, and you want to keep them safe. Injuries also damage workplace morale and create almost unlimited liability.

Keep Them Safe.
Stay OSHA Compliant.
Safety regulations are not always intuitive. Our experts will help you navigate the minefield which is OSHA & state compliance.

Maximize Productivity.
Well-engineered fall protection equipment doesn't just keep you safe. It helps you get the job done faster and more efficiently.

Inside Your Factory,
Warehouse or Processing Center
What industries does McAbe, Inc. serve with custom fall protection services?
McAbe has nearly four decades of experience in fall protection. We can serve the needs of any niche market, since our work is completely custom. We have frequently served the chemical, petrochemical, refining, agricultural, food processing, pharmaceutical, mining, power generation, plastics and steels industries. However, there is no limit the many applications of our fall protection experience.
What does it cost to get a fall protection needs analysis?​
We are experts in OSHA compliance, safety engineering and workplace optimization. We provide free onsite analyses to let you know what regulatory requirements you may be facing, what best practices you may want to implements, and wants that your work flow could proceed more smoothly. Call to set up a consultation.